Who's Been Chewing On My Angelfish?


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Was told to ask in the ciclids forum this question I asked in the tropical fish emergency thread. I hope this is the right place.

Okay I have a small angelfish(oreo :D ), LFS says it can go in a 10 gallon tank but I knew better and put in a 20 gallon that is not fully stocked yet. My wife calls me at work and says some one has chewed on the angelfish and sure enough I get home and his top fin is all tatters and shreds :< . None of its tank mates seem overly aggressive towards it and it even swims with my(much larger than the angelfish) Blue gourami's So I am not sure who the aggressor is. The angel fish is in the hospital tank soon to be treated with Melafix to aid in fin regrowth, but I need to know whom the villain is so I can do the aquarium shuffle :kana: and move the grumpy fish out so the angelfish can eventually return home. List of tank mates are as follows:

1 sailfin pleco
2 Blue Gourami's
4 cherry barbs
3 redtail rasboras

any help would be much appreciated, now if you all will excuse I have to tend to poor little oreo. :-(
IMO you need more then one angelfish, they prefer schooling. My guess the barbs, but I could be wrong.

angelfish ARE cichlids but why wouldnt they help you in trop area?
My guess would be the barbs as well. From what I've read, if not kept in larger groups (6+), cherry barbs can get pretty nippy.

Also, just for future reference, Angelfish are New World Cichlids. You might also PM Tolak with other questions as he breeds a ton of angelfish. :good:
Thanks for the advice, I am thinking the barbs as well, but the gouramis have also been fingered as culprits, This thread has been moved sort of to the new world cichlid thread. We had 2 angels one died of non nipping related causes and then 2 barbs died leaving only the 4 I think thats how they got nippy. IDK I will observe and see. Thanks again
i would say the blue gorumies as they can be teratorrial
not those kind of barbs they acually docile compared with tiger barbs.
well id have to go with the gouramis as my sister had them and boy were they ever evil :huh:
the 4 cherry barbs 3 redtail rasboras in my oppinon didnt do it.....but you never know.. :unsure:
you know the sailfin plec will grow something like this,,,,,my boy vince measures around 20 something inches

this is him with my 10 or so inch oscar

just so you are aware they grow huge :crazy: if you are sorry

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