

Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
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Van BC Canada
Hey pplz! I just traded in my dropsyized platy for a betta! He's a awesome betta with lite blue, lite purple, n lite pink coloured body n fins! but i have one question.....how come all my fish try to swim away from it? He's really nice! He brushes his fins against me and evrything. BTW i named him Moonlight. :d:D:D :kana: :) :thumbs: B) ;) :rolleyes: :p
What other kinds of fish do you have in the tank? If they are way smaller than him then that's why their probably swimming away. Does he flare his gills at all? Does the betta chase after the other fish as they swim away? Anyway, congrats! He sounds pretty :D !
Well.....there are only platies but he doesn't flare at them! N i noe he's pretty eh?! lol i'lll get pics asap
Oh! I had platies with bettas before! I found they get along very well! I don't know why they're running away from the betta... maybe they are just not used to fish that are different from them yet. At least the betta is being nice and not hurting them! I can't wait to see a picture! Sounds like a colorful tank!
I would guess they are probably intimidated by his fins. and the fact that he is new to the tank. Just make sure to watch him closely for aggression towards the other fish.
o.....ic! My lil dear betta just moved some shells that i had in the tank n made himslef a lil house :D it looks wierd but o well!
betta_lova said:
o.....ic! My lil dear betta just moved some shells that i had in the tank n made himslef a lil house :D it looks wierd but o well!
Bettas will move things around to thier decor if they can do not worry about it. They`re just being special :p :D :lol: :) :nod: :kana: :dunno:
:huh: hm.....today, my betta's tail was TORN! well it was torn like 2 days ago so i treated it with melafix n he's better now. The wierd thing is that he looks like a crowntail now! At first he was those circlish tail ones they're not halfmoons...but now the tail is shaped likea crowntail and won't go back to what it looked like be4! i MEAN i really liek this! lol! btw...i konw why the fishies are scared of him...he looks like the old gourami i used to have that tortured my fishies :rofl: :no:

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