Whoah! Phosphates Are High!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sutton, Surrey, UK
Getting my tank set up I have tested my salt water mix that I made from tap water (treated with dechlorinator etc.)

Phosphates are 5. Not 0.5, 5. This seems extremely high.

Can I just ask:

1) What would happen if I went ahead and introduced live rock to this, then did several water changes with RO water?


2) How can I reduce this level?



Edit: I'd prefer to use a chemical if possible for now, simply because RO water for an initial tank fill would be £70 odd, if I could add a chemical now it would be a lot cheaper. All water top ups and changes going forward will be RO only though. Only thing in the tank as well is water (salt mixed) at the moment, plan is to add live rock and sand this weekend.
The phosphate would be absorbed by the lr and leech back out over time, you'll need to be running measures to remove this such as cheato harvesting (which will physically remove it from the system) along with a large water change schedule and possibly a phosphate absorbing media/pellets in a reactor.

If you are going to be FO initially you could possibly get away with the levels you have and reduce them over time :)
Don't use the water if it has phosphate. 5 is very high IMO.

As suggested run some phos remover to shift it and do regular wc (not with tap water)


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