Who Wants To Get Whupped?


Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Any facebookers up to the challenge?
This is going to be one of those threads that gets no replies and then i just cry myself to sleep, innit!
Oh well....
PM your name so i can add you, if you have the bottle :crazy:
I got a facebook account but i dont use it often, use bebo more.
Request sent...
Of to Wales for the day so i won't get the opportunity to school you.....
just yet....
You never seem to be on when i am fella?
Anyhow, now on facebook poker so an open challenge to all those who think they have the mettle.
:crazy: grrrr....
i may geta facebook for the challenge:p ive stuck to myspace at the moment after pesterings to get a facebook i may have to convert :eek:
myspace is the best of the little online things :p mainly cus i cant be arsed to make another facebook account, upload pics, add people etc..
IMHO Myspace is full of general unnessesary, migraine inducing trivial flashy light business and additions.....
Then again i did set up a profile ages ago, but haven't used it since.
No takers then?
PM your facebook address if you want to provide me with some points.....

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