You might try calling Skiptons (it's near Boston Medical Center and the on-ramp to rte 93) if you haven't already. They last had Kuhli's in a couple of months ago maybe? I went there this week and saw a variety of loaches, don't recall if they had any Kuhli's. They get new fish on Tuesdays, I believe, and they get a good variety. You might ask if they can order some too (no, I don't work for them ).
Wow, I'm impressed that we have two members from Boston at all If I were to ask that question about fish in the metroplex of Texas...well,nobody would be around to answer Seems our members come from all over the world and finding one who's right in your neck of the woods is awesome
wuv, I'm surprised to hear this! Maybe because we're on the coast we have fish on the brain up here in Beantown Well, at least two of us do...
The only other LFS I can think of is this neat discount pet supplies store in West Roxbury on the VFW near the West Roxbury VA Hospital. They have some very affordable fish supplies. It's the biggest non-chain pet store I've ever seen. Their fish selection itself isn't extensive, but the fish all looked healthy and well-cared for. You might try looking for them in the yellow pages and phoning to see if they can order Kuhlis.
Oh, one other thing I thought of. Have you thought about joining the Boston Aquarium Society? I'm not a member but it seems like a really neat association. I bet somebody from there knows where to find loaches. They meet monthly at the New England Aquarium and have a website