Who Needs Guidedogs ?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2011
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I have two cats who are also my best companions and substitute guide dogs. when i lost my sight it was almost like they knew and became very vocal. they started headbutting me to let me know they were there or meow etc as i was walking about the house so I would know where they were and not fall over them and they never leave my side but walk around the house with me. they now have bells & loc8tors as well on their collars. they have learnt voice commands and taught me a few different meows along the way. have learnt to play fetch so i never fall over toys etc. they are the smartest cats I know and friends are always amazed when they see them do things. imagine feline lassies and your not far off the mark, lol.

only thing I would change is ..I wish harry didn't snore so loudly.

People really don't give cats enough credit, they are highly intelligent and it is obvious that you have nurtured a very special relationship with your two :nod: . My cat comes to the last post tune when I whistle it, she finds something about the notes irristable, so just thought it was something you might like to try with your cats, as a quick find technique that they will respond to even if they have been dozing somewhere.
thanks it is worth a try. i have found a brilliant devive though called a loc8tor. it is a tiny tag you attach to their collar and you have a credit card device and when you press it - it acts like a metal detector and tells you where they are in the house. has saved me lots of times from preventing me fall down the stairs if they are sleepig on a step

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