Who Lives In Taunton !


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2008
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taunton somerset uk
hi there just wondering how many people live's in taunton

let us know and wot tanks u have

i have 4 tanks at the moment no marine tho
mate just to let u know the mods will probs delte this, i done a post like this twice and got deleted quickly
Mystil lives near Minehead somewhere i gave her some cherry shrimps when i changed over to Marine.
My 2nd home is Minehead does that count?? have caravan on butlins so im down there alot!! and next weekend im down there!! iv been to taunton a few times and know of it alot!!! wana move to minehead :D love it

Do i not count :( our there any good fish shops down there??

Seanie was just wandering cos hes like a private LFS within himself :p

If you want a good LFS tho in Taunton,Taunton Aquarium Center is really good for stuff but fish prices are extremley over the top compared to the LFS's who get there fish from the same supplier! ie: Clarkii clown in one shop is £18 for an adult,in TAC its £60,but even tho thyer are ewxtremley over priced of everything (except for LR which is fantastic) they have more of a selection and better knowledge.

Sounds bad but i get my knowledge from Mark in Tac and get my stock he advised me about elsewhere for over half the price! lol

Do i not count :( our there any good fish shops down there??

Seanie was just wandering cos hes like a private LFS within himself :p

If you want a good LFS tho in Taunton,Taunton Aquarium Center is really good for stuff but fish prices are extremley over the top compared to the LFS's who get there fish from the same supplier! ie: Clarkii clown in one shop is £18 for an adult,in TAC its £60,but even tho thyer are ewxtremley over priced of everything (except for LR which is fantastic) they have more of a selection and better knowledge.

Sounds bad but i get my knowledge from Mark in Tac and get my stock he advised me about elsewhere for over half the price! lol

Me and my mate going to Taunton Aquarium Center tomorow ( saturday ) :D let you know what we think compard to the oxford ones lol

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