1. I would like to get some blue dwarf gouramis (does anyone know proper name for these) maybe a male and 2 or 3 female and some angel fish.
2. Would these go well with what i have already [see below]
3. Have heard angelfsh eat neon tetras. Am also interested in rummynose tetras. Are angel fish fussy on the type of tetras they eat?
4. Have had my tank set up 7 weeks now and water stas are 0 for ammonia & nitrite, nitrate between 0-5. and pH 7.4. Is tank ready yet?
1. I would like to get some blue dwarf gouramis (does anyone know proper name for these) maybe a male and 2 or 3 female and some angel fish.
2. Would these go well with what i have already [see below]
3. Have heard angelfsh eat neon tetras. Am also interested in rummynose tetras. Are angel fish fussy on the type of tetras they eat?
4. Have had my tank set up 7 weeks now and water stas are 0 for ammonia & nitrite, nitrate between 0-5. and pH 7.4. Is tank ready yet?