Who is your tank boss?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I've been hearing that often each tank will have a fish that thinks he/she is the boss.

Just wondering who is the boss of each of your tanks?
my asian arowana at the moment but it was my siamese tiger he always tried to beat the aro up.
thats why my ST is in another tank until i sell it and get another

Kentaro (weatherloach) is the boss of the coldwater tank, Bub (balck angel) is the boss of the big Tropical, Mr K (male krib) is of the small tropical and Missy (female Krib) is her own boss in her own small tank.

My jardini arowana is the self proclaimed king of the tank plus the peacekeeper, it wont tolerate any fish swimming in the upper levels of the tank and swoops down with avengence on any fish that are getting aggressive with one and other.
in the livebearer tank, its definitely Big Momma, the marbled lyretail molly. she's the biggest fish in the tank (around 3+ inches). if she doesn't approve of a new male, she lets him know, she sets the other females in their place, and other fish as well (the poor balloon mollies, first day in the tank she pushed them around literally all day, chased the guppies around for a day too). she's the first to eat, will even pushthe cory cats away from sinking wafers and pellets. she's one tough cookie though, survived new tank syndrome (one of the first fish i bought), changing tanks, and moving.
in the tetra tank, its the single guppy fry. she's smaller than the smallest glo-light, but she doesn't let anyone get to the food before her (you go girl).
in teh big tank, its the bigger gold gourami, who i think may be female, still figuring that out. she is the first to eat, she chases everyone else around the tank, even goes after sharky (he just hides), bugs the hatchetfish, spits at me, and flicks the thermometer against the glass whenever i'm in the living room (she's an attention pig). god forbid the day she decides to take on the bumblebee cat once he's bigger. if he does eat a fish, it will probably be her :lol:
and in the puffer tank, its paula, the female. when they wre in spawning mode, she'd charge out from behind the plant and at me through the glass. she's another tought little cookie. :D
In my tank, the boss changes.

During the Day it is Dori the Dwarf Neon.
But, My Honey Gourami likes to think she is the boss, even thought she is 1/5 the size of Dori.

During the Evening it is my 2 Large Gourami's

Druing the Night The African Butterflys are def. in charge.
In my 70l : Female betta!
In my 23l : The largest African dwarf frog! (male betta stays away from him/her at dinner time!)
In my 17l : No bosses they all just chill!, You can see em all in the link in my sig :)
Hmmm that is a tough one.

In my 55 gallon: its gotta either be Priscilla (female convict) or Danny (my 7"bala shark) But then again I'll go with priscilla, she's not mean to anyone but lets everyone know their places whenever someone comes near her "house" (Treasure chest)

In my 30 gallon: Its my red zebra. He's not mean either but like to play tag with all the others.

and in my 10 gallon: its Mickey my male platy. He's one tough little cookie!
My male platie also ruled the roost ,until my two male mollies came along then they sorted him out...
Nina ... strange but the kids also named mine mickey....because of his tail marking !
In my 55 gallon I would say it is my Black male guppy he is constantly letting the other Male who is boss. My Skunk Botia who just recently resurfaced has started guarding his tunnel again so he may stake a claim again as the ruler.

in the 29 my pleco doesnt boss anyone but if he goes somewhere the others get out of the way. The shark tries to be boss during the day.

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