Who Is The Common Albino Cory?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I thought most albinos where the bronze. But then I read that many are the peppered. Not I'm confused? So what are the albinos how do I tell them apart? I have 3 albinos I don't know what kind and one bronze that was all alone at the store. I thought that were the same fish now I don't know.

My bronze is bigger and likes to chase and almost attacks the smaller albinos. Like he wants to spawn but they don't want to.

I'm looking for a few other bronze for my lone guy.
Has far has i know the albino and bronze are the same,the albino being a colour variant of the bronze :)

Peppers are a different cory.
i wouldnt have said an albino is a pepper as they are considerably bigger.

can you not just get more albinos? maybe the bigger is chasing the smaller, but the smaller are younger?

i have this with my peppers, one is ALOT smaller as he is younger
I have 3 albinos that are smaller then the bronze. The bronze is the only one and he is the one that needs more friends I have to wait till next Thursday to see what other corys this store gets in. I would like to get 2 more bronze.

I was reading that the peppered corys can be albino too so I was thinking what ones do I have?
Ok so I got some photos they are not great because these guys ever stop moving.

But here is a good one of my big bronze and smaller albino. Looking at this photo the Dorsal fins look the same more rounded then Peppered corys. So I'm pretty sure the albinos I have are Corydoras aeneus. I read in a mag that most albinos are peppered corys. That's why I got confused. I'm going in on Wednesday to look for more friends for these guys. I'm keeping my 20 gal a Cory only tank. These guys are doing much better then ANY of the others I tried to keep. So I have a good feeling I got it right this time. WOO HOO.


The larger bronze
Having owned all of the above. I'd say albinos are basically albino Corydoras Aeneus.
Peppered corydoras have an entirely different shape to bronze corys. They longer/bigger, but also more slender. And in my experience have more of a 'snout' than the bronze and albino.
Having owned all of the above. I'd say albinos are basically albino Corydoras Aeneus.
Peppered corydoras have an entirely different shape to bronze corys. They longer/bigger, but also more slender. And in my experience have more of a 'snout' than the bronze and albino.

Having owned all of the above. I'd say albinos are basically albino Corydoras Aeneus.
Peppered corydoras have an entirely different shape to bronze corys. They longer/bigger, but also more slender. And in my experience have more of a 'snout' than the bronze and albino.

Very well put.
Peppereds are quite a bit bigger than the bronzes, andit does seem that the albino bronzes (C.aeneus) are much more common than albino peppereds (C.paleatus).
To my un-expert eye the bronze looks alot like mine that were ID as Golden Shoulders.

Edit: Not the albino.

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