Who is eating my cherry shrimp - betta or rams

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 4, 2021
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I have a heavily planted community tank which includes a male betta, 2x German rams and cherry shrimp amongst others. My question is whether we think it’s the betta or the rams eating the cherry shrimp, although it very well could be both/either so context below.

I initially had a community tank incl the betta with the following tank mates:
- betta male - short finned with dumbo pectoral fins (this betta mentioned not another one)
- juli corys
- peppered corys
- pygmy corys
- 1x bristlenose
- 1x male guppy (he’s lasted for years but won’t be restocking)

After months I then added:
- cherry shrimp
- 9 more pygmy corys as I was down to 1 and they’re my favourite fish

After 2ish weeks I then added:
- 8x Pseudomugil rainbow fish
- 1x male 1x female ram (not yet breeding)

I’ve noticed that my cherry shrimp are disappearing however given how soon I introduced the rams after the shrimp, I can’t be sure whether it’s my betta or my rams. I think it’s my rams but maybe my betta just took a couple of weeks to realise how yummy cherry shrimp are.

My betta is now not happy in the community tank. Could be the rams, could be the rainbows given he previously had predominantly bottom feeding fish that weren’t getting in his way, but either way he’s in a strop.

I’m setting up a 25L tank for my betta and I’m wondering whether to move my remaining cherry shrimp to his tank*, or leave them in the community tank.

My question is, who do we reckon is eating the cherry shrimp - I’m inclined to say rams.

*my betta’s tank will be planted but I’m planning on mainly using offcuts from my other tank so will take a while to get going. My community tank is heavily planted enough that I could take more plants from there so it’s heavily planted for hiding places for the shrimp if we think my betta is a worthy culprit as the shrimp killer (likely what I’ll do just in case)
Oh boy a LOT of problems with your stocking here.

The rams need hotter temperatures than the rest of your fish do. (78-86F temperature range).

Your cories won't do well longterm kept that warm and should be kept 73-75F given the species of cories you have, the peppers need cold temperatures, no warmer than 77F for longterm health. Lower is better.

Betta isn't compatible as a community fish, but especially behaviourally with the rams. Also is at risk of attempting to eat the pygmies. Its a small risk, but it is a risk given the size of their mouths.

I would look to rehome or move to other tanks the betta and the rams separate from each other and the incompatible temperature fish.
Keeping rams too cold longterm will affect their metabolism and immune system, leaving them open to sickness.

They also are not behaviorally compatible with bettas given the territorial nature of both.

Bettas also are prone to health issues that are worsened more by overeating, such as dropsy, swim bladder disorders, and constipation. Being kept in a community setting gives them more food exposure to gorge themselves on and run the risk of becoming ill because of it.

What I'd do:

Get a 5 gallon for the betta.

Get a 20 gallon long for the rams on their own or perhaps with some cardinal tetras if you feel they need dither fish.

Keep the rest of the fish and shrimp in the tank they're in and make sure the temperature is good for them.

To answer the shrimp question: both are likely the culprits to eating the shrimp. Both are known to do it.
What size is your tank right now? That seems like a lot of animals in a smallish tank, say a 20g long? As Cass said, you have some issues. Not just the shrimp may be snacks for both the betta & rams, the little rasboras can be too. But as she mentioned, the temps are an issue as well. Rams & betta like it warmer but are not ideal tankmates in a smaller tank.

A guppy may well snack on shrimp or little rasboras. But it's not temp or water parameters compatible w/ betta or rams.

You have some big decisions on what you want ahead. But I think you may have at least 3 smallish tanks worth of issues. Time to rethink what fish are a priority & what you should rehome. Sorry, I know that's not the easy answer you probably wanted.
It’s a 100L heavily planted so not overstocked.

I’ve had rams before in community tanks at 26c in community tanks and they did very well but this might be just the excuse I was looking for to set up a 3rd tank.

I think I’ll rehome my betta and shrimp into a new tank as first step and answer to question. I’ve seen my betta go for the shrimp but they’re always too fast for him when I’ve seen him.
I agree on the temperature thing. Fish can live outside of their ranges, but usually they have shortened lives if too warm, or disease issues if too cool.

I'm a bit of an outlier on the fancy Betta question - a minority opinion, but they can live in communities, and like the temps rams need. They might just get along, provided the rams don't experiment and taste their fins. It might work in a large enough tank. You'd need plan B in case it didn't.

It's fun to get new tanks. I would say, have fun! And since 5 and 10 gallons tend to be the same price, a 10 is always better if you have space for it.
The answer to who’s eating the shrimps is the rams. I have just witnessed the killing of a shrimp! So there’s the answer to that question.

I’ve successfully had bettas in community tanks and have actually had one with dwarf cichlids before who got on just fine, this particular betta just seems to now be in a strop since the last 2 additions so will be moving him and shrimp (if there are any left!) to new temporary 25L tank until I get a stand for my next 110L.
I had a betta in 5 gallon tank with only neocaridina as company. He routinely killed small shrimp. I had to create a tank dedicated to only shrimp.
I have a heavily planted community tank which includes a male betta, 2x German rams and cherry shrimp amongst others. My question is whether we think it’s the betta or the rams eating the cherry shrimp, although it very well could be both/either so context below.

I initially had a community tank incl the betta with the following tank mates:
- betta male - short finned with dumbo pectoral fins (this betta mentioned not another one)
- juli corys
- peppered corys
- pygmy corys
- 1x bristlenose
- 1x male guppy (he’s lasted for years but won’t be restocking)

After months I then added:
- cherry shrimp
- 9 more pygmy corys as I was down to 1 and they’re my favourite fish

After 2ish weeks I then added:
- 8x Pseudomugil rainbow fish
- 1x male 1x female ram (not yet breeding)

I’ve noticed that my cherry shrimp are disappearing however given how soon I introduced the rams after the shrimp, I can’t be sure whether it’s my betta or my rams. I think it’s my rams but maybe my betta just took a couple of weeks to realise how yummy cherry shrimp are.

My betta is now not happy in the community tank. Could be the rams, could be the rainbows given he previously had predominantly bottom feeding fish that weren’t getting in his way, but either way he’s in a strop.

I’m setting up a 25L tank for my betta and I’m wondering whether to move my remaining cherry shrimp to his tank*, or leave them in the community tank.

My question is, who do we reckon is eating the cherry shrimp - I’m inclined to say rams.

*my betta’s tank will be planted but I’m planning on mainly using offcuts from my other tank so will take a while to get going. My community tank is heavily planted enough that I could take more plants from there so it’s heavily planted for hiding places for the shrimp if we think my betta is a worthy culprit as the shrimp killer (likely what I’ll do just in case)
The betta and rams are both eating your shrimp and I speak from experience. Larger shrimp may be able to maneuver quickly and can hide but the young shrimp don't stand a chance.

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