Who here has a local fishkeeping scene?


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Oct 14, 2011
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Eastern Canada
I was e-talking with a guy earlier today, and I realized there is a Sgt Peppered Cory Lonely Hearts Club band online. Clearly, a strong core of the people on this forum love to talk about fish, and the world of fishkeeping. But how many of us have local fishkeeping friends they can share their interests with?

When I lived in a city with 2 aquarium clubs, I'd have twice monthly presentations to see and discussions to participate in, and I had serious fishkeeping friends and addicts around. Now, in a small city with a barely functioning club, I do have fishkeepers around, but they are 30 years younger and into the most basic of available fish. I'd have to drive 10 hours to find people who thought my interests were interesting.

The online world lets us chat, and is good for interests like ours. I am very fortunate to have great friends in the fishworlds of several continents. But how many of you have local fish buddies you sometimes hang out with?
Those days died years ago . Years ago . But it was fun while it lasted and I wish those guys were still around . My best old fish friend and me used to get together and make the rounds of every place in town that sold fish and go to them all then go have lunch and beer . He died seven years ago and that just has to be a fond memory now .
I'd love an aquarium friend... really jealous of some of the YouTubers that have met best buds like MD Fishtanks and Fish Shop Matt and George Farmer and Tai Streetman. No clubs in my city but a few in some areas nearish me, I went to an auction once many years ago and I just didnt like the format and didnt really get chance to speak to many people so never went back.
If you mean me and my daughter? Yep, that's the local fish scene. Not totally true; there are a few others around, but nobody I know of that is into aquascaping and biotopes and such. There are a few less experienced fish keepers who admire my tanks, which is somewhat gratifying.

The thing that sort of makes me sad about fish keeping, which would be somewhat rectified by a fish club or something similar, is this: I spend hours, weeks, months nurturing a habitat and waiting for it to perfect itself. Each plant, each animal, each bit of hardscape playing its part, until it is truly a thing of beauty. A guest comes to the house, maybe someone outdoorsy or artistic or otherwise someone who might really appreciate what nature and I have done here. They give the tank a quick glance, say "Wow," or words to that affect, and move on to something more interesting like the TV or their glass of tea. It shouldn't bother me after all this time, but sometimes it still does.
Unfortunately not...maybe I should try and set one up 🤔 I do have a suspicion that it would just be me on my tod though :banana: like the middle-aged aunty who's had one too many gins dancing alone on the empty dance floor at a wedding...
The thing that sort of makes me sad about fish keeping, which would be somewhat rectified by a fish club or something similar, is this: I spend hours, weeks, months nurturing a habitat and waiting for it to perfect itself. Each plant, each animal, each bit of hardscape playing its part, until it is truly a thing of beauty. A guest comes to the house, maybe someone outdoorsy or artistic or otherwise someone who might really appreciate what nature and I have done here. They give the tank a quick glance, say "Wow," or words to that affect, and move on to something more interesting like the TV or their glass of tea. It shouldn't bother me after all this time, but sometimes it still does.
I really relate to this, I'm glad I'm not alone! Regular visitors don't even look or make a comment now though which is disheartening
When I was into fish 20 years s ago, I used to drive 150 miles to a really awesome fish shop, and had friends we would ride with, chatting like little school girls about what we hoped they would have… I still have one buddy (we were friends before fish) that still has tanks, but we rarely see each other anymore… and since I started my tanks back up, they are all in the basement, and we don’t entertain down there, so no one else sees them… I don’t currently have any other friends that have tanks, that I know of… not having any local fish stores isn’t helping… I liked to think I was keeping the local store in business, when I was into the hobby before, but there was always people in there, and you would see the regulars there on the day the shop got new fish… now that there are no local shops, you don’t get to see or meet the other locals
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If you mean me and my daughter? Yep, that's the local fish scene. Not totally true; there are a few others around, but nobody I know of that is into aquascaping and biotopes and such. There are a few less experienced fish keepers who admire my tanks, which is somewhat gratifying.

The thing that sort of makes me sad about fish keeping, which would be somewhat rectified by a fish club or something similar, is this: I spend hours, weeks, months nurturing a habitat and waiting for it to perfect itself. Each plant, each animal, each bit of hardscape playing its part, until it is truly a thing of beauty. A guest comes to the house, maybe someone outdoorsy or artistic or otherwise someone who might really appreciate what nature and I have done here. They give the tank a quick glance, say "Wow," or words to that affect, and move on to something more interesting like the TV or their glass of tea. It shouldn't bother me after all this time, but sometimes it still does.
I don’t like non-fish people looking at my aquariums or my fish . They always ask me , “what are those ?” , and when I say Aplocheilus lineatus or Aphyosemion australe I get a disdainful look from them . They want to hear guppy or angelfish or whatever . Then they have to ask me why I don’t have pretty lights or why I don’t clean the “scum” (algae) off the glass or why I don’t have more fish or “have you ever had - fill in the blank ?” . Nope , I want to talk to fellow enthusiasts and aquarists . Nobody else gets it and I’m not a school teacher .
I don’t like non-fish people looking at my aquariums or my fish . They always ask me , “what are those ?” , and when I say Aplocheilus lineatus or Aphyosemion australe I get a disdainful look from them . They want to hear guppy or angelfish or whatever . Then they have to ask me why I don’t have pretty lights or why I don’t clean the “scum” (algae) off the glass or why I don’t have more fish or “have you ever had - fill in the blank ?” . Nope , I want to talk to fellow enthusiasts and aquarists . Nobody else gets it and I’m not a school teacher .
Has anybody ever told you that you sound like a grouchy old man? 😆 I would love for people to ask me about my tanks like that! They might not like the length of the answer, though.
But how many of you have local fish buddies you sometimes hang out with?
I suppose I am fortunate in that we have a local club with around 300 active members. We have online monthly meetings (open to all, including non-members!), but we also have auction distributions and swaps that are in person, as well as a summer barbecue. We also have sub-groups, like the breeders group or the horticulturalist group with their own programs, awards, tank tours, etc. Honestly, if I wanted to, I could easily fill my life up with mostly talking about fish and aquariums. Though that seems a bit much.
My area which is a peninsular across the river from Liverpool we have a fb group and it was always pretty active but you get to meet and see the same old faces and to be fair if ever you put a post up needed some advice or help theres always someone happy to help. I have a big tank coming in a couple of weeks and one of the young lads about 25 messaged and offered to help me carry it in with a mate of his.
Its a good scene we have

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