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Jan 1, 2006
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I have a 55 gallon tank and I want to do saltwater but don't have a lot of money to do it but more importantly, I don't know anything about SW. So, I put together a list of things that I think I need from reading and if you can think of anything additional, please let me know. There are a few of the items that I still can't figure out how they work??? I appreciate everyones help!


#1 Pump ($13)

#2 Overflow Box ($38)

#3 Protein Skimmer ($37) Comes with Odyssea EX240 Powerhead GPH 315???

#4 Sump ($???) Still not exactly sure what a sump is? Can I just use a empty tank? If so, what size for a 55 gallon?
More importantly, can I just use an empty 15 or 20 gallon tank as a sump? Isn’t it just somewhere to put everything? (what size would I need for a 55gallon tank?)

#5 Sand- I already have 60 lbs. of Tahitian black moon sand (I can just use this, correct? Just add more (I am doing fish and pretty much just corals, plate, etc…

#6 Returns?- I’m not even sure what these do? Are these the things that create the waves? I have to 2 powerheads already and if I get the above mentioned skimmer, it comes with another one so I’d have a total of 3.

#7 Heaters- I have 2-300 watt heaters.
Where do I place these? In tank or in sump/empty tank underneath?

#8 Lights- I already have 48" Jebo Power Compact 260watt 2-12000K, 2-Actinic

#9 Sea Salt- Any recommendations that are not too expensive?

#10 Additives- Can anyone provide a list of necessary ones?

#11 Test Kit- Can anyone recommend a moderately priced one?

#12 Hydrometer- Just a moderately priced one

Last thing- What kind of piping, tubing, valves, etc… will I need and where will I need them to be?

Anything else you can think or suggest would be more than helpful!
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Well, first off those links are unfotunately broken so its hard to comment on the specific items. I dont have much time but I'll give some quick answers to get your brain stewing:

1. the more powerheads the merrier
2. used to drain water fom your tank into your sump
3. most people say good, some dont like them
4. you want as big a sump as you can fit under your tank and still have it servicable.
5. sounds good
6. returns are for your sump. you usually have a submersible in the sump that returns water back to the display tank
7. more than enough, they go in the sump
8. great mid-high range lighting, well done
9. instant ocean isnt too expensive and easily found
10. not sure
11. not sure
12. not sure

LIVE ROCK. do some research on it, its essential for a good ecosystem
Thanks for the help. Not sure why the broken links. I got some good suggestions from another site as well. I would love all input on these additional questions/products.

#1 Pump-Would this one be good for the price? Does the pump have anything to do with anything that is actually in the tank? Water movement, etc… because I only want black pieces going into the tank? Are they powerheads or what?

#2 Overflow Box ($38)

#3 Protein Skimmer- What about these? They all have pumps

What about this? It comes with a RIO 800 submersible pump?

This? Comes with a submersible Maxi-Jet 1200 pump?


#4 RO unit- I forgot about this. What about the 35 gpd?

Returns- “The returns are what comes from the pump in your sump”
What do I need to buy for the returns?

In the sump, I don’t have to have dividers or anything? I can just put the skimmer, heater, and pump in there? What do I need for the returns? Is that the pump? Where do all my powerheads come in to play?

What do you think of this? Is this crap? I don’t even know what it is?

Need to buy
Sea Salt-Instant Ocean
Test Kit-Salifert
Sump- 15 gallon tank
Heaters-2-300 watt heaters (put in sump)
Lights-48" Jebo Power Compact 260watt 2-12000K, 2-Actinic
Sand- Tahitian black moon sand
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1) A Pump is required to get the water back into the main tank from your sump - this should be have a flow rate that your overflow can cope with otherwise you'll flood the main tank.

2) An overflow box is a method of getting the water out of the main tank down to the sump without drilling the tank - Overflows have flow ratings and need to be matched up with an appropriate return pump.

3) A protein skimmer removes dissolved organic waste from the water - something that cannot be done by any other means apart from regular partial water changes.

4) A sump is a second tank situated under the main tank fed by gravity from the main tank. This houses heaters, skimmer, return pump, UV filters, Ozone Unit as well as any other type of filtration other than whats in the main tank - Common filters are algae, mangroves, DSB, miracle mud, etc.

5) I personally wouldn't use the black sand as it has no buffering capabilities at all and is completely alien in the natural reef world and could have adverse effects on the behaviour of fish and inverts. With it being sand I presume that is is of very fine grain and therefore that increases the risk of compaction and therefore the creation of anaerobic conditions, ie. a DSB. Aragonite or Crushed Coral substrates are more common as they will help to buffer the pH of the tank whilst providing a more natural environment.

6) See point 1)

7) Heaters can be housed in the sump out of the way.

8 ) The lights you have are fine for keeping fish and most hardy corals

9) Red Sea, Kent Marine, Tropic Marine, Instant Ocean, etc. they are all as good as each other - prices vary

10) There is no 'necessary' additives that you need to put in the tank as regular water changes will replenish all the major ones. Calcium is the only one that people will usually dose as this is taken up faster by inverts to create their bodies and homes. A general guideline is never add anything that you are not testing for, in other words - if you don't have a test kit for it don't add it, you could end up doing more harm than good.

11) You will need test kits for: Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate, pH, Kh & Gk - these can be bought in packs or bought separately. I personally use Sailfert Test Kits, other brands include SeaTest/fasTest by Aquarium Systems, AquaTru by Kordon, LaMotte, Red Sea Fish pHarm, Hach, Seachem, Aquarium Pharmeceuticals & Marine Enterprise.

12) http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=126880

13) Depends entirely on your setup and what you want to keep in it
If you dont have much money then forget about the sump, they are handy to have but not essential.

You need

Aragonite gravel
Liverock - this is where it gets expensive (you need 0.5 kgs per gallon of water)
Powerheads - enough to circulate the water atleast 20 times per hour, a few mj1200's would be good
Lighting - you already have this.
Skimmer you good start with a cheap one while stockign is low but it isnt ideal.

You dont need any additives, just a good quality salt.

To be honest it isnt easy to do a tank on a budget, id suggest at the moment yor best investment would be a couple of good books, research for a few months while saving up.

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