Who did it?


New Member
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Glendora, CA
Hey everyone!

Well... 2 days ago I noticed something floating in the plants up top. It looked like food, so I let it go. I noticed yesterday that it was not, in fact, food. So... When I went to get it out it was a skull. :blink:

Now, my line up in the tank at the time of this was 3 shovelnose catfish (and I think it was Petabyte, the little one that did this), 6 tinfoil barbs, 1 angelfish, and about 25 feeders.

I am thinking it was Petabyte, my smallest and 3 day old addition to my shovelnose family, but I am not sure. Could Barbs do this? It was literally a skull. I am assuming it was digested and regergitated as I was told they may tend to do, but I have never had Gigabyte and Terabyte do it since I have had them.

So who knows!

Today, I went to the LFS to see if they had gotten another Angel for me and ended up leaving with 13 more feeders and a Dinosaur Eel. He is kinda wierd, but was cool lookin they way he moved so I had to get him.

Anyways, I will catch ya'll in a bit! Let me know what ya think!
couldn't really say who the culprate was,
if the fish was ill or died on its own ALL of your fish would eat it
most fish would

i just have a question,
what are you calling feeders?
after rereading your profile i have noticed that you have all of those fish in a 55gallon tank?
that is far too small a tank! :crazy:
tinfoil barbs get to be 10" and need at least a 90gallon
and shovelnose catfish need at LEAST a 100gallon but preferably a 150 gallon
as they will grow to be 15"!
upon further inspection i am quite sure if the angel was small enough and the cats where big enough that they were the culprits :sick:
they really need a much bigger tank
aim for a 100gallon at least
I agree about the tank size!

But in regards to the topic......that is REALLY wierd that you found a SKULL!!!! :eek:

I have to ask, did you keep it?? :hey:

dwarfs said:
Weren't they feeders in the first place? If so it wouldn't matter who did it, it was just a hungry fish
i thought it was his angel

Today, I went to the LFS to see if they had gotten another Angel for me and ended up leaving with 13 more feeders and a Dinosaur Eel. He is kinda wierd, but was cool lookin they way he moved so I had to get him.
Put it in chlorine and pertty it up!! lol!! NICE AND WHITE!! Then you can start your own fish skull collection! lol. When i had my SNC they were oinkers. Do you TSN or just regular SN? Depending on the size of your SNC's i would say that that 55gal will work for a little while. You will, indeed, need to upgrade onces they hit about 8" to 10" in length if you want them to be happy. They will be cramped at that size to say the least and may break off their delicate whiskers, but they will still be relatively comfortable. Don't try pushing it past that size though. If it makes you feel any better i have a 10" spotted gar in my 55gal..( :/ ) till i can get my larger tank set up. Hopefully he won't eat all my community fish by then...but one can only guess eh?
Hey guys!

Sorry... Got busy at work and hadn't checked. I hear your comments. I am looking into a bigger tank soon. Everyone is happy now. The barbs are doing something wierd though. I think they are ....uummm.... Well... If they could get a hotel room they would! :blink:

The barbs seem to either be making little barbs OR playing. I can't tell. They seem to swim around and do what looks like kiss each other and then swim around each other and even push each other in what looks playful. Any thoughts?

I am assuming they are happy. lol!

Anyways, Ya, the skull was a trip. I think it was Petabyte. He is my smallest shovelnose and latest addition to my cat family. Well... Who knows. DOS (Denial of Service Attack, my Dinosaur Eel) seems to like feeders too! That was an interesting find. lol!

Feeders BTW are Medium and Small goldfish and a few flakes for my Angel and Barbs. lol! Good times! Well... Post your thoughts and I will see ya around!
Team-ADS.com said:
Feeders BTW are Medium and Small goldfish and a few flakes for my Angel and Barbs. lol! Good times! Well... Post your thoughts and I will see ya around!
gotcha ;)
just making sure :nod:

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