My Brown tang has white spot very badly .Does someone know of a treatment that has no copper as I also have Dogface puffer in there.I have heard that garlic is a good rememdy and was wondering if garlic capsules (for humans) would be ok if sprinkled over food
I was hoping that bobby(tang) would shake it off as my previuos Regal tang did but it seems to be getting worse.Looks like my Rabbit fish (Roger) has a bit too
My Brown tang has white spot very badly .Does someone know of a treatment that has no copper as I also have Dogface puffer in there.I have heard that garlic is a good rememdy and was wondering if garlic capsules (for humans) would be ok if sprinkled over food
I was hoping that bobby(tang) would shake it off as my previuos Regal tang did but it seems to be getting worse.Looks like my Rabbit fish (Roger) has a bit too