Whitespot Help!


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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added new fish and my new powder brown was fine for 2 days now showing ich(whitespot) started yesterday with myxazin this morning all looked ok when i came back from work even looked worse, all are still eating.. gona do a water change tommorow and will keep dosing myxazin,

should i take out carbon and seachem filter products ? and switch of the uv ?

thanks, i dont want to lose fish
Why are you using myxazin? That treats bacterial infections not parasites. :)
Keep the UV on.
Lower the SG to 1.017 in small steps around 0.002-0.003 units per day.
Make sure you don't use any meds with copper in, otherwise that's disastrous.
When treating with anything you have to remove all carbon and other binding products from your filters. Depending on the contents of the tank you can try treating it within the system but no copper meds of any kind if you have a reef setup. I tried the reef safe products myself and found them to be useless :( You need a quarantine tank and some copper based meds to treat it. or you can also try treating with the lowering of s.g. method, but you have to take it down to 1.009 for it to work and this in its self can cause problems so should only be done in a quarantine tank. But treat it as soon as you can as within a few weeks it can totally swamp the fish :(
Powder blues and powder browns are total whitespot magnets. For best success, make sure you are feeding it at least 4 times a day. Yes, I said 4. Autofeeders really help out with this.
Go a buy some esha oddinex works very good, and leave your uv on thats what its there for.

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