White Worms


Oct 11, 2006
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Last night, I found that there are many small white worms in my shrimp tank. They all are sticking on the glass, and the size is very small (about 1 to 2 mm).

I have shifted some molly and guppy from community tank into the shrimp tank to help to clear the worms off. I not dare to change the water as I feel disgusting... :)

Does anyone know what causes this? Is the worm harmful to fish @ shrimp @ human??
Ive got the same thing in a tank that i have just sitting, that im too lazy to take down( there are no fish in it and the other two tanks and the addition of an iguana have taken up all my time). I hope someone out there knows im kindof curious about that.
I am not sure either, but it sounds like tapeworm, which would eat the fish from the inside out.
I added in few fish last night, I checked just now, the fish are all ok but the worms are all gone. Just change the water... I think this worm only attack the tank with less fish...
most comonly seen worm in ur tank will b a type of worm u only get wen ur over feeding
Look up planaria on Google. A type of worm that is safe for fish and eats detritus and waste food build up, generally a sign that you are maybe overfeeding or there is a lot of waste in the tank. Some fish will eat them, others won't, not dangerous to fish as far as I have read.
IC, thanks guys... I think I never overfeed the tank as there was only a molly fry in it. But I am quite sure it has lots of fish waste in it and I think this could be the cause of it. As I said, after I have added in some fishes, the worms dissapeared. :)

Non of my fishes are infected with any diseases, so I presume the worms are harmless. :)

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