White Stuff Growing


New Member
Sep 19, 2012
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I was wondering if someone could tell me what this white solidified substance is growing on my rocks? Is this due to the light? Is it safe?


The tank has been running for around 5 weeks now. It is stocked with two damsels and 5 turbo snails.

No corals. No calcium either.

Levels are all good. salinity = 1.025 at 76F
It is increasing in size, difficult to say how fast. It seems to be on one side of the rock closer to the light. Could that have something to do with it?
It sounds like it's just coraline algae that has bleached due to a change in lighting (ie. putting it in your tank compared to where it was or moving it about).

Perfectly normal in new tanks (<9mths) and should regain colour once settled.
Not harmful unless the die-off creates an ammonia spike and you don't sort it.

Did you get the live rock from an LFS/supplier or from an established tank?
Yes i bought it from my LFS. I went back in today and showed them a picture of this white stuff. They think it is either dead algae or due to salt buildup and think its nothing harmful. I've directed one of the power heads at it to see if that makes a difference.
Doesn't look like salt so I'd go with the dead coraline algae conclusion. You could try removing the worst of it with a toothbrush or similar.

I'm presuming the LFS would have curing tanks with no lighting so it's likely that putting in your tank with lights has caused the bleaching.
coralline algae can come in many colours and i expect its just a white variation :)
I thought the only reason some was white was due to bleaching, didn't realise there was an actual white variation......you live and learn :)

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