White stuff growing on her eye


Fish Crazy
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit, Mich USA
Just when I get my tank healthy and all of the fish are vibrant and happy.... I notice one of my small female platies has something white growing over her eye. I'm assuming it is ich... so I raised the temp. All the other fish are fine... Does she have ich? Will the others catch it too? Should I medicate the tank for this one instance? help......
Does the eye look like it has a cloudy film over it, also could you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, how many fish and which kind.
Hi Wilder,

The tank is 30 gal..., all tests are normal. I have swords, platies, plecos, and corys in the tank. The fish with the stuff on her eye is a platy, and it is cloudy looking. I just did a water change and raised the temp.
Cloudy eye can be due to a few things, bad water quality, old age,irratation, stress, usually changing the water for a couple of days might clear it up,I would of said add some salt but you have plecs and cory in there, good luck.
Could it be the start of popeye too?
Or do you have scratchy decorations? I'm pretty sure that Amos scratched his eye on a little decoration I had in his tank right off (Before I knew any better).

Or, as the ever wise Wilder said, it could be a number of things.
Been reading and cloudy eye,popeye, can be dropsy, new about popeye but didn't no cloudy eye was.

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