Fish Fanatic
Hey guys I recently had to move my 29 gallon tank to my new place and ever since I have been getting this web like stuff growing on some of my live rock. It usually disappears after a few days, but then grows right back. I have also had a hard time keeping my brown diatoms under control. I have went from 25% water changes bi-weekly, to about 15% every week. There is a lot more sunlight hitting the tank in its new location, so I'm sure that isn't helping. I haven't tested my phosphates yet, but I'm sure they're a little high. What's a good way of lowering the phosphates in the tank with a hang on filter? Also any idea of what the web like stuff is, please advise. Ammonia - 0.0, Nitrites 0.0, Nitrates are about 40 ppm (Any suggestions to lower this would help too). pH around 8.0-8.5. Salt gravity is @ 1.023. I DID use tap water at one time, but now I use distilled for all water changes and top-offs.
Thanks -
Thanks -