White Stringy Poo


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2012
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Tank size: 200 litre
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 15 ppm
I have soft water.. not sure on kH/gH
tank temp: 26 Celsius
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Angelfish have white segmented poo and decreased appetite (I found one otto had died this week despite having a fat belly and the others being happy)
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
25% three times every 2 weeks
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Aquanourish Liquid Fertiliser
Tank inhabitants:
2 Angelfish
14 Harlequin Rasbora
2 Bristlenose Plecos
5 Otocinclus
1 Snail
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Some java fern a couple of days ago and 1 angel about a week ago
Exposure to chemicals:
Thank you very much for the response.. I'll get some tomorrow. Fingers crossed it works :( :(

Is it only available on the internet or do they have it at places like pets at home?
Pets at Home don't stock it but Maidenhead Aquatics normally do - might have to make a few phone calls around your LFS and see what they have. Ironically Pets at Home don't do the product but use Waterlife products to treat their own stock.. Bit of useless info there! :)
Haha ruddy hell.. what a shame. I've just looked at a LFS and I think they have it.. I'll give them a ring tomorrow and check. What shall I do about feeding if they aren't too keen. Sorry for the q's but I'm just a little worried :p Thanks for the advice.
I wouldn't worry - there's nothing much you can do. Maybe entice them with blood worm or something tasty rather than flake - I know my lot enjoy bloodworm much more than anything else :p
Weirdly enough I'm currently treating a batch of cherry barbs for parasites using the same stuff so fingers crossed!
Thanks a lot for the advice.. fingers crossed for both of us :) 
Why, oh why didn't I quarantine. :(
I assume the answer is complacency...
We can all fall into that trap from time to time.  We shouldn't, but we often do...
eaglesaquarium said:
I assume the answer is complacency...
We can all fall into that trap from time to time.  We shouldn't, but we often do...
Yep, I'd got all my fish from the same place. Quaratined the harlequins and ottos and they were all fine after 3 weeks. And took the risk with the angels. Silly, huh!! 
Oh yeah I don't have carbon in normally anyway. Just have some on standy for when medication has finished :) I'm not made of enough money to keep it in all the time :p
Really sad news.. he's gone. Only one day left of treatment but I think there was something else wrong with him. Comparing him to my other angelfish he's never been brilliant with feeding etc. He was a clever fella though :(
:rip: :( :(
Sorry to hear that. :(
Thanks guys. I just wish id have thought something was wrong a little earlier. I just thought it was him feeling a little vulnerable. And when the other angel came in he changed completely but it was obviously too late :(

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