Fish Crazy
I'm very concerned about my first betta (Dexter). Over the past few weeks, he has stopped eating regularly (just follows his floating food around) and his color and fins are becoming faded/frail.
His whole body is purple with some red in the fins. Just today I noticed that he has two parallel white streaks along his body on both sides.
I'm at a loss here. My water quality is "normal" and his cory tankmates are doing just fine.
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
pH = 6.8
I'm going to take a water sample to Petco and ask them to check it for me too... in case I'm doing something wrong?
This is very depressing because he's my laid-back betta and my first... so I want to get him well.
I'm not familiar with many diseases and their symptoms, but it doesn't seem to be ich or fin rot.
Any thoughts on what else I can do?
His whole body is purple with some red in the fins. Just today I noticed that he has two parallel white streaks along his body on both sides.
I'm at a loss here. My water quality is "normal" and his cory tankmates are doing just fine.
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
pH = 6.8
I'm going to take a water sample to Petco and ask them to check it for me too... in case I'm doing something wrong?
This is very depressing because he's my laid-back betta and my first... so I want to get him well.
I'm not familiar with many diseases and their symptoms, but it doesn't seem to be ich or fin rot.
Any thoughts on what else I can do?