White Spots???


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
:no: One of my gold sailfin mollys(the female)has got white bits on her tail and fins they look stuck on and are mostly on the tail and fins.Has anyone got any pics on white spot so i can see if its that!!!Shes swimming fine and everything else but i wont get any more fish until i no for definate that she ok even though my lfs is keeping some nice fish for me!!! thanks for the help xxx
Have a good look on google, there is always something good on there! Goodluck. I hope hes alright.
germanshepherdlver said:
:no: One of my gold sailfin mollys(the female)has got white bits on her tail and fins they look stuck on and are mostly on the tail and fins.Has anyone got any pics on white spot so i can see if its that!!!Shes swimming fine and everything else but i wont get any more fish until i no for definate that she ok even though my lfs is keeping some nice fish for me!!! thanks for the help xxx
Your fish may have come down with "icK" You may to go down to your lfs and buy some "ick tablets". I have used these tablets before, it will clear up the problem in a few days.
does it look like this but on its fins?

If so here ya go...


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