White spots


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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I just noticed some white spots on the top of my betta
anyone know what this means?
:( what should i do?
it's a small tank, so should i buy sea salt, or Betta max, ?
and on the surface of the water, there is alot of brownish clump stuff
it looks like leftover food, but he always eats all of his food
what could it be?
are they fuzzy? do they look like grains of salt? give us more info. how are your water parameters? do you have a pic?

bettaMAX (not to be confused with the bottle of poo known as bettafix) is a good all-around medicine if you arent sure what youre dealing with. melafix is also good.
it is never a good idea to treat before you know exactly what the problem is. yes i would say the exception is bettamax but give us some more info before you add medicine.
i just did a full water change
there are only three white spots, but they are on the top of him in order
the surface of the water had lots of clearish brown clups of fuzzy stuff, and there was alost of stuff along the top part of the walls of the tank
its a small tank (only half a gallon) so i can't buy any filter or anything
i just cleaned the water three days ago, so it can't be lack of cleaning
anyone have any suggestions
yes-i meant the spots.

are the spots fuzzy? can you take a pic?
that doesnt sound good about the junk floating on top of the water. i have no idea what it is. it doesnt sound like any kind of algae. take the betta out and scrub the tank with baking soda.i would suggest you get your betta at least a 1 gallon conatiner though.
the spots don't look fuzzy, they look more like hardened skin bubbles
i can't take a pic, no camera
hmm-im not sure what it could be? the only thing i can think of would be tumors? maybe someone else can chime in. bettamax will keep him from getting stressed and provide some vitamins untill you can figure out what is wrong wiht your betta.

sorry i couldnt help any more :(
thanks for the help, you guys know alot more than the people at my lfs
hmmm, the brown stuff is really weird, but i agree with jacs, take out the tank and scrub it down. As for the betta...could it possibly be ich cuased by the brownish stuff? a little salt wouldn't hurt :thumbs:
Are the lumps like BULLLGING outta the fish?? It could be a parasite feeding on the flesh and causing an infection......that happened to my first betta

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