I posted in emergency forum 1st and was told to post image here of fish with white spots on head. I thought it was ick or white spot, but then i read on a website about lionhead and orandas, this is what it said:
During the spawning season the male will have tubercles (small white dots, not to be confused with the disease ich) on their head, pectoral fins and gill covers. Thousands of eggs are produced and the parents are veracious egg eaters and must be removed immediately after spawning.
So now i dont know if its tubercles or white spot! I have treated for ick with ick guard and also been adding melafix. But nothing is helping. Anyone know anything about these kind of fish!
Sorry the pictures are not so good.
During the spawning season the male will have tubercles (small white dots, not to be confused with the disease ich) on their head, pectoral fins and gill covers. Thousands of eggs are produced and the parents are veracious egg eaters and must be removed immediately after spawning.
So now i dont know if its tubercles or white spot! I have treated for ick with ick guard and also been adding melafix. But nothing is helping. Anyone know anything about these kind of fish!
Sorry the pictures are not so good.