White spots on a Clown Loach


New Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Well the title says it all. My clown loach seems not as active as it was just a day or two ago. It has white spots all over it. What should I do? Should I move it to a different tank where it can heal? or something else. thanks for all ur advice
Does it look like grains of salt? If so, read the article below.

Ich/White Spot: This is probably one of the most common fish diseases. Ich looks like literally white spots all over the fish. This is a Protozoan disease caused by Ichthyophthirius in fresh water aqauriums (Cryptocarion irritans in Marine). It is a parasite that attacks the eyes, fins, gills, skin and mouth interior.

Symptoms: White spots all over the fish. The fish may attempt to scrape itself against objects in the aquarium, have a loss of appetite or a stressed-rapid breathing. The parasite can only be affected by treatment during the free-swimming stages of the cycle.

Treatment : A Copper Sulfate or Copper Formalin medicine should be able to kill most infections. There are many medicines all do the trick. If the fish are salt tolerant give your fish a salt bath. Also raise the temp this ups the life cycle of the disgusting parasite.

As a side note, clown loaches are scaleless fish, and are not tolerant towards salt. It would be best to quarantine it by itself.

hi i am also having a prob with the ich on the clown.i am treating with white spot med with malachite green. will do a water change this weekend. my question is should i remove the media cartridge from my filter.. they have both carbon and zeolite. should i still remove and what the heck its zeolite?

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