White Spots On 5 Year Old Goldfish Body


Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
Mauchline, Scotland
I spotted some white spots on either side of my 5 y/o goldfish over the past few weeks and after looking into "White Spot Disease" I have found that it is something that must be treated. I came across this site which states:

The main treatment types for curing white spot are usually based on malachite green, formalin, copper or aquarium salts. As with all things opinions vary on which is the more effective. We recommend promptly treating with a commercial anti-parasite medication. Commercial remedies are Maracide by Mardel Labs and Protozin by Waterlife. Some resistant strains of the white spot parasite seemed to have developed, which can be difficult to treat. If the treatment used is not effective within 7-10 days then you will need to try an alternative treatment method.

I have a 70 ltr tank with one 5 year old Comet and one 2 month old Shubunkin in it. Fully filtered and has regular water changes.

What can I do until I can go and collect this Anti-White Spot and Parasite treatment from Pets at Home? I've noticed when I get up in the morning "Jack" is up at the top of the tank regularly - this only seems to be in the morning for some reason. :huh:

Salt is a much more gentle and effective (and cheaper!) treatment for whitespot (ich). Instructions are on the website. Also, don't panic if the spots appear worse shortly after the first treatment. It's completely normal and will start to die off soon after :)

Salt is a much more gentle and effective (and cheaper!) treatment for whitespot (ich). Instructions are on the website. Also, don't panic if the spots appear worse shortly after the first treatment. It's completely normal and will start to die off soon after :)


Many thanks.

I have been treating my fish with love fish Anti White Spot and parasite treatment (below) for over a fortnight now and I think my fish has more white scales than before. I'd like to explain that he doesn't have many white "spots" as such, it's more entire scales that have turned white. The picture below, sorry it's not the best, shows he has two scales that have turned white. This picture was taken over a week ago - he now has another scale that has turned white on the same side.

Does this sound like Ick? Should I expect to see these white scales turning back to the orange colour naturally over time once the Ick parasite has been killed off?


From the picture, it looks like his scales have just been knocked off, maybe by rubbing on a rock or something as a result of the ich. Definitely not a cause for concern. They'll grow back in their own time :)

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