New Member
ok - this is actually concerning my goldfish that i have a black molly the story goes i have had the fish for around 12 months - i brought it along with a starter kit - a very basic tank - not too big, plastic and a filter system that is basically built into the tank and after 12 months has realy had its day - my fish last month developed what i THOUGHT was white spot - only about 4 white spots on its fin very small but i couldnt tell if it was the disease or just a change in the colour of the fish that was natural? i dunno anyways it seems to be fine - but about 3 weeks ago out of the blue i had done nothing different it developed these white and slightly redish ulcerson its head near its eyes? i was really worried as i didnt know what it was so i added a disease safe treatment and it appears to have totally cleared up now and the fish seems fine - my friend owns a big cold water tank full of goldfish that would happily get on with my fish and she has offered to take my fish and put it into her tank which has a more efficient filter system an a nice enviornment - but will it be safe if it has once has a suspected illness even tho there are now no signs of infection for the past month or so??? i dont want to infect her fish i would feel so guilty?? but i dont wanna keep it in the crappy starter tank much longer also without a friend as since its friend died about 4 months ago it has had no one to play with like they used to?? any help would be appreciated??