White spot??


New Member
Jan 5, 2021
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Hi I have woken up this morning and found what look like tiny white spot/ patches on 2 of my cories. I think it's early hopefully. But 1 of them is occasionally flicking and rubbing it's side against the substrate so I definitely think it's the start of something!

I've checked water parameters:
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Ph 7

Iv gone out today and bought an anti-fungus / whit spot treatment that is safe for snails and invertebrates so I'm hoping that will be ok for the Cories..... The guy at the shop said only treat if needed, so I'm just ask a little advice really.

Should I treat straight away or see if it is stress related to being new to the tank?

Also if I should treat would you follow the recommended dosage or lower it for the Cories??

Iv never treated a tank before so abit nervous I'm going to do more damage than good!!



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I can't see any white spots on the fish, are you able to get photos of the parts you think are a problem?

Don't forget that bronze cories have a lighter spot behind each eye, it's just a part of their markings.

Discount the one on the left since that one did have a bacterial infection/excess mucus on her left side, and the one on the right had a damaged/re-growing tail tip, but the other two are healthy and that's their normal colouration

Were you able to get a number for nitrite test results? How long has the tank been set up for?
Hi thank you for the comment.
Iv attached two images they are very small patches I just don't want to leave it and it turn into something major. And the little blighters wouldn't stay still ?

Nitrite is 0
Tank has been set up since last summer then upgraded to a bigger set up. As the bigger set up since mid Jan.


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Hi thank you for the comment.
Iv attached two images they are very small patches I just don't want to leave it and it turn into something major. And the little blighters wouldn't stay still ?

Nitrite is 0
Tank has been set up since last summer then upgraded to a bigger set up. As the bigger set up since mid Jan.
The cory on the right, the bit you've circled is part of their natural colouration, see how mine have the same light patches in the same area?

If there is something on the cory in the left photo, it isn't White Spot/Ich. With ich, you'll see lots of tiny white dots, like the fish has been sprinkled with salt. Once you've seen it, it's unmistakable. So your shopkeeper was right to caution you not to use the medication unless you were sure. There are also no fluffy patches of fungus.

Cories are quite sensitive to meds, so always be cautious when medicating a tank with corydoras in!

I honestly can't see anything on these guys that's alarming, I'd suggest that fresh clean water is the best medicine, so do daily water changes for a while, making sure to use declorinator and temperature match the new water to the tank temperature. You could add some Indian Almond Leaves to the water, these have beneficial properties that can really help with minor problems like this - I'm treating my cory tank using them right now in fact, if you want to check my thread.

If the water quality is pristine (with lots of water changes, and potentially tannins from the leaves) then the fish stand the best chance of fighting off anything that might be bothering them. But so far, I can't see anything wrong with them, so fresh water and monitoring would be my recommendation.

@Colin_T is knowledgeable about diseases, and @CassCats is an expert in corydoras, so I'd trust their advice too.
Absolutely normal pigment on that cory!

No need for meds they look good.

Aeneus cories sometimes have that gold shoulder patch, it's very normal

Can see it a bit on mine in this older photo
The cory on the right, the bit you've circled is part of their natural colouration, see how mine have the same light patches in the same area?

If there is something on the cory in the left photo, it isn't White Spot/Ich. With ich, you'll see lots of tiny white dots, like the fish has been sprinkled with salt. Once you've seen it, it's unmistakable. So your shopkeeper was right to caution you not to use the medication unless you were sure. There are also no fluffy patches of fungus.

Cories are quite sensitive to meds, so always be cautious when medicating a tank with corydoras in!

I honestly can't see anything on these guys that's alarming, I'd suggest that fresh clean water is the best medicine, so do daily water changes for a while, making sure to use declorinator and temperature match the new water to the tank temperature. You could add some Indian Almond Leaves to the water, these have beneficial properties that can really help with minor problems like this - I'm treating my cory tank using them right now in fact, if you want to check my thread.

If the water quality is pristine (with lots of water changes, and potentially tannins from the leaves) then the fish stand the best chance of fighting off anything that might be bothering them. But so far, I can't see anything wrong with them, so fresh water and monitoring would be my recommendation.

@Colin_T is knowledgeable about diseases, and @CassCats is an expert in corydoras, so I'd trust their advice too.
Aw thank you so much! That has put me at ease and I have the meds there is something grows but I'm quite happy to leave them as is and see how they get on of they look normal to more experienced keepers.

Oh I'd love to follow your thread on the almond leaves, I'm still trying to work out the site so haven't found it yet ? where do you purchase almond leaves from? And do you just add a few to the tank?
Absolutely normal pigment on that cory!

No need for meds they look good.

Aeneus cories sometimes have that gold shoulder patch, it's very normal

Can see it a bit on mine in this older photo
View attachment 130459
Aw beautiful fish!

Thank you so much for the reply it's put my mind at rest!
I was stung by a dodgy fish shop selling me a very poorly paradise fish (I thought it was a white fish!!) When I first set the tank up. So I'm alittle weary of slight changes in the fish. Happy to say I saved the paradise fish and he has a tank to himself and very happy now ?
Aw thank you so much! That has put me at ease and I have the meds there is something grows but I'm quite happy to leave them as is and see how they get on of they look normal to more experienced keepers.

Oh I'd love to follow your thread on the almond leaves, I'm still trying to work out the site so haven't found it yet ? where do you purchase almond leaves from? And do you just add a few to the tank?
No worries! You should definitely be reassured by @CassCats comments, she's awesome with cories :)

I buy almond leaves from my LFS or from Amazon, I just bought a bulk bag from Amazon because I always have them in my tanks, the shrimp especially love them.

Here's my thread where casscats outlined how to make a tea out of the almond leaves, to treat a minor infections one of my cories has developed. This tank has the seven young cories I raised when mine spawned this year, so I'm precious about them! Have raised them since they were this tiny!
Absolutely normal pigment on that cory!

No need for meds they look good.

Aeneus cories sometimes have that gold shoulder patch, it's very normal

Can see it a bit on mine in this older photo
View attachment 130459
Should I be concerned 1 of them seems to flick and rub it's side? Iv seen it do it twice in 2 days so not all the time and on the opposite side to what I thought was a white patch
Flashing can be a response to something in the water, pH fluctuations, ammonia/nitrite/high nitrates, or parasites. If once in a blue moon, more likely just an off occurrence like us getting a random itch, but if it's a repeated behavior, keep an eye out for other symptoms and test the water when they do it.

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