White Spot


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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hello, :)

My sister has just getting her first fish tank and the dreaded ich has appeared in aa couple of clown loaches

i vaguely remember the best treatment to be turning off the lights raising the temp and cleaning the gravel loads..........but ive been checking the websites and they all say chemical treatments are the way to do this, i thought treatments kill more than they save.

if i have this wrong we live in the UK whats the best treatment?
Hey there :)
Protozin is a great treatment for Ich and a good all round treatment as well (It also treats velvet which is another evil and unfortunately common fish disease)
I think most fish shops sell it for about 5 pounds a bottle. As well as treating you should do the things you mentioned, heating the water to a higher temperature basically speeds up the life cycle of the Ich. You will notice the sugar like things start to drop off and sink/hang around in the water after a while, this is the free swimming stage and this is the only stage when medication can affect the bacteria. So heating the water will make it get to the treatable stage faster.
How big is the tank (Just out of interest)?
Sorry if that didn't make a lot of sense :lol:
Hope this helps and good luck. :good:
its my sisters but i think its about 38 - 40 gal............just put in her last fish.....the white spot was on them :(

ohhh and it did make scence :) , thank you

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