White Spot

charles bentley

Fish Fanatic
Apr 1, 2009
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hiya all my dads fish caught white spot, so i went to my local fish shop ad asked it would be ok to put the rocks and plants in my marine tank wile he treats them, they said this was ok. but naw oneof my fish have white spot, is it because of the rocks? the local fish shop said whitspot cannot live on rocks or plants. thank you, o yer another thing we the fish of mine that caught it s a regal tang but my dad as one so can i put it in his tank with his for treatment?? thank you
unfortunately they are wrong!! it drops off of fish and can live in the substrate etc

The Life Cycle of Cryptocaryon irritans

Free-swimming cells called tomites are released from a mature tomont, or encrusted cyst, and go in search of a host fish, typically dying in a day or two if one is not found.

Upon finding a host the tomites attach to the gills or body and develop into parasitic trophonts, at which stage the organisms burrow into the fish and begin feeding on its tissues.

Once well fed the trophonts stop feeding and encyst, at which stage they become inactive tomonts. These dormant cysts can remain trapped in the fish's mucus, be inbedded deep in the tissue, or drop off and fall to the bottom. Over a period of 6 to 10 days the cells inside the cysts reproduce by single-cell division, and become tomites. Once reaching maturity the cysts rupture, each releases hundreds of new free-swimming tomites, and the cycle begins again, but in much larger numbers.

Seffie x

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