White Spot


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
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yorkshire hull
the other day i put some treatment in my tank for my 3 week old cory fry.
it didnt tell me to half dose on the bottle for scaleless fish or out,
so i put the 19mls in recomended within 5 mins one died and the others started acting strange so i had to do nearly a compleat water change to save them .

now to be on the safe side iv put 6mls in and they are fine.
i dernt put any more in as they are still fry and i dont want to kill them will this be enuff treatment to cure white spot .
its a 2 step treatment to be repeated in 4 days

thxs in advance :good:
Hi drewry :)

Are you sure they have ich? This isn't very common in corys, you know.
Hi drewry :)

Are you sure they have ich? This isn't very common in corys, you know.

hi Inchworm :)

well im 80% sure the reason been i got 4 swartzi,s and 5 peppers a few weeks back to go in the tank with my spawning trio of bronze ,
i put some plants from the tank in the fry tank a couple of days later, then put the fry in with the plants the same time .
a day later i noticed 1 of the pepper corys had white spot and a couple of the other peppers was flicking also ,so i treated them with protozin and its all eliminated from the breeding tank now .

i know its my own falt i should of quarintined them but i didnt have a spare tank at the time and i use the same graval vac allso :angry:

over the last week the fry have been for no reason starting to dart off flicking the bottom with there sides and looking iritated ,i dont like useing chemicals on fry ,but i want to get rid of it if its there before its to late and kills the fry pluss ill have around anothere 150 1 week old nearly ready to go in there in a week or two

now the dose i put in the other day was 19mls wich nearly killed them all after loads of water changes over 2 days iv added 6mls today and they seem to be acting normal will this be enuff treatment to kill the white spot i have to redose in 4 days
need to know if 6mls is going to be enuff to kill the white spot
or should i risk makeing it up to 10mls
If you think you need to add any i'd add the very tiniest amount, as cories are usually not prone to having/getting ich.
iv had a good look at them today and at least 2 have a white spot on there bodies.
i added another 4mls of the treatment so thats 10mls all in all .
and they still seem fine with the treatment :good:
Hi drewry :)

As long as you are pretty sure that your diagnosis is correct, go ahead with the medication, but one spot does not necessarily mean the fish has ich. If you said the fish looks like it was sprinkled with salt, I'd be inclined to agree more quickly.

The problem with making an incorrect diagnosis, and treating for ich instead of a bacterial infection (which the corys are more apt to have trouble with) is that you will not only be not treating the problem, but raising the temperature which is likely to make bacterial infections worse.

It's a hard call on this one.
hi Inchworm :)

well im 99% sure its white spot now
iv been watching them for a few hours today and there going up to the 10inch air stone and rubing against it pluss flicking off the bottom.
got 10mls of meds in now so hopefully should clear it up with the next dose in a few days :good:
Hi drewry :)

I hope your youngsters are improving. Have you added any salt?
hi Inchworm :)

they seem to be less iritated today and more active :good:
havent added any salt ,will it be best to add some if so ill go out to get some.
now my second dose of meds goes in tomorrow.
should i do a vac and a 10% water change before i add the next dose
as with the meds in the water i havent done any water changes or maintance for 3 days
Hi drewry :)

If the meds you're using seem to help, don't add the salt. I would say "yes" if you hadn't already tried something else, or if they were adult fish, but right now it might be too much for the fry.

Yes, to the water changes. You can always add more medication to bring it up to the appropriate level, but you still need to get uneaten food and waste products out of there.

Don't forget to check the water parameters to make sure they stay OK during treatment. You probably won't have a problem with little fry, but with larger fish it's important to do since meds of various sorts can knock out your beneficial bacteria.
hi Inchworm :)

ill give the salt a miss as they seem to be doing ok with the meds,
ill vac and do a water change tomorrow then add the meds again .
as for the uneatend foods ill take the top layer ov sand off with a net
wash it in a bucket to get rid of wast then sprinkle it back in :good:

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