White Spot


Apr 15, 2007
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South coast uk
am having problems with white spot and a regal tang, I have tried melafix but unfortunately that meant that I had to turn skimmer and uv sterilizer off, however as white spot is back and the sterilizer is fairly new I am trying to find out the best course of treatment or weather just to let the sterilizer do its work or try and treat it while the sterilizer is going or treat with sterilizer off?

The sterilizer has only been going for 3 days so am guessing it will take longer than this to make a difference

anyone offer any advice as hate to see the tang getting stressed
Well, what else is in the tank? IF there's no inverts you could do hyposalinity which IMO/IME is the best method for killing saltwater Ich. Or if you have a QT tank, you can do hypo that way. Sg needs to be down to 1.009 but remember to go somewhat slow, don't want to shock an allready stressed fish.

UV sterlilizers really only prevent the disease from spreading to other fish as they kill the parasite in its water-borne form. Also, you can use UV with melafix, thats no big deal, but do not use a skimmer with melafix

Either way you choose to treat, feed often. A fish with a full belly can fight disease itself even better than one that's hungry ;)
but dont overfeed as water quality also plays an important role, good water = healthy fish
I have also used Myxazin in the past, to great effect !!
Remember though, all skimmers must be off ! :no:
myxazin would be unsuitable as I have inverts and corals in the tank

Ski the tank has 2 sand sifting stars
1 x blue hermit
several different snails
1 x sally lightfoot crab
2 x blood shrimps
2 x clowns
1 x royal gramma
1 cream angel
1 fire fish
2 x damsels
1 regal tang

cant remember exact amount of LR something like 10-15KG and growing (really need to get more now!)
2 pussey coral
1 toadstool
1 finger coral
1 african bush coral
1 cauliflower coral

all in a 150ltr tank with
1 seio power head (4300)
1 hydor koralya 1 power head
a v2 400 skimmer
a vecton uv sterilzer
with an external canister filter
2 x t5 arcadia marine white
2 x t8 arcadia blues

so guess hyposalinity is out of the question,
I have been advised by LFS that I should treat again with melafix and keep uv sterilizer running, on a positive side its great to see nature playing a part with the shrimps setting up a cleanig staion.

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