White Spot


Jan 18, 2007
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I have had my first out break of white spot, What is the best thing to do? I have treated the tank with white spot stuff!

60cm long x 35cm deep x 40cm.

All Stats 0.

4 oto's
6 guppies
2 swords
fry and 6 v. small bns
Pray :shout:

Hehe - just make sure your carbon filters are out, cos they remove the meds. Also if you can raise the temp a bit it helps increase the cycle. The meds only work once the ich breaks free and is free floating. Just keep up the treatments, until there are no more on the fish, then you usually do a 30% water change and re-dose.

Also, you might want to add an air stone or something if you havent got one, as most of these treatments increase surface tension and redice oxygen levels.

Hope it goes OK :)


P.S. You might want to check out the section on whitespot too - its very helpful.


Thanks for that, I have increased the temp. And when I get home I will sort some air out.
I increased temp to 27 or 28, removed carbon media and then added king ws3 white spot treatment.

I gave a half dose of what my tank size can take...instead of 48hours i did 5/6 drops in morning....5/6 at night and did that for 3 days and it was gone. Didn't loose any fish as well :D

Added plenty of aeration though
Great stuff. Well done. Just treat after you think the problems have gone too, I think it says that on the Ws3 one. :good:
Thanks for all your advice, One more question... How long does it take to clear?
mine took a 3 days of the half doses but depends how early you have caught it...if its well developed it will take longer.

But as said make sure you continue with the medication a couple of days at least after they have gone as it can still lurk about in the gravel and water
Well I use a chemical test system. Tested all the water and they are all the lower colour except ph.
Low or 0 ? Sometimes you will get higher ammonia / nitrate / nitrite whilst introducing meds, they nuke some of the bacteria.

I think you also do a 20% water change when you finish meds, then put the carbon back in to remove them :)

Hope they are gone for good, mine never go 100%. I still have a rummy nose with 1 white spot but im not treating for that one.
Well so far my fish are doing ok, i need to do the next dose on Sunday, should I do a water change before I do the next dose?
you basically run the treatment for the set duration specified on the meds box, once thats been done you do a water change, add your carbon back and keep an eye on the fish to make sure its all gone.

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