White Spot!


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Runcorn, UK
My DP tank seems to have been infected with whitespot. I can clearly see the spots on one of my DP and one of the Oto's. I was wondering if there was any different way in treating dwarf puffers or they needed anything special. Thanks in advance.
ive never tried this but my fish man told me that if you turn up the temp in your tank to 30 degrees for up to a month it kills the white spot and theres no need to put any treatment in the water,
good luck
I have a Mormyrid which don't take well to white spot treatments either so one of my lfs sold me 'Parazoryne', which is a chemical free herbal medicine and safe to use with all kinds of fish (apparantly, I havn't tried it yet). It's a tad pricey, but I've only heard good things about it.

The raising temp and adding salt option is also very good.
i put a normal dose of salt in with my pictus catfish and channel catfish and they're unharmed and act normal
Thanks guys. Although to be honest i'm not certain what to do yet. I think I may try a small dose of salt first and then if that doesn't work i'll try and get hold of some Parazoryne. :good:

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