White Spot


New Member
Dec 1, 2005
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hi folk,

My betta has about 4 tiny white dots on his fins- I suspect it is white spot and so have added white spot treatment.

The temp of the tank is 26 degrees celcius. (do i need to raise it even higher?)

will it help to add a little aquatic salt to the water? (if so how much per gallon)

I will do a big water change tomorrow and add some more treatment.

He is in a community tank with 5 neon tetras and 1 Coolie loach.

ps - water stats are fine
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
I'd suggest that you seperate him in his own heated tank so it won't spread to other fish and you can't add salt if you keep him in main tank because of the loach and if the medicine says to do half dose for scales or bottom fish then do it because loaches or scaless and are on the bottom. Also slowley raise the temp to about 82 degrees farenhit (raise about 2 degrees a day)

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