White Spot?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2005
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My fish are in the new tank about 2 weeks now and suddenly 4 of 5 have developed white spots small pin head sized ones on their fins only.

Is this standard white spot and be treated as such.

The one fish that shows no signs should he be quarintined or treated.
How many fish, what volume tank, how long has the tank had fish in it, was the tank cycled before the fish were added, current water parameters? Please give some info.

Sounds like ich, you should do an immediate water change/gravel vac. If you have a heater, the water temp. should be raised by several degrees in teh next 2 days to speed up the life cycle of the parasite. Salt baths would also be benneficial.
How many fish, what volume tank, how long has the tank had fish in it, was the tank cycled before the fish were added, current water parameters? Please give some info.

Sounds like ich, you should do an immediate water change/gravel vac. If you have a heater, the water temp. should be raised by several degrees in teh next 2 days to speed up the life cycle of the parasite. Salt baths would also be benneficial.

5 fish 190 litre tank run using Eheim 2026 and juwel integrated filters

Water amm 0 nitrite 0 nitrate <10 ph 7.2

Tank cycled (filters from previous tank used)

Water temp constant 21.1'
Your water params seem good, but there may be a problem with the test kit or perhaps the fish have been overly stressed from the move. How big is the tank? When did you put the fish in?
So should I treat for white spot immediately.

Done a 15% water change as soon as I saw the problem.
Raise the temperature slowly to 80 and then use either a med or salt to cure it. If you use a med then switch off the over head light. If you want to use salt then post and I will give you the salting instructions.
Ive heard that just raising the temperature to 85f will kill them on their own but you would need to add extra air to the tank.
Treated with white spot meds yesterday lunchtime. Now on the following morning.

Raised temp, turned off lights all signs seem to be the fish are clear of the spots.

Im surprised it worked so quickly the treatment bottle said to put the same in again in 4 days. Should I do this??
Yes keep treating as the parasites fall off the fish and lie in the gravel before exploding and releasing even more. The meds will only kill them when they are free swimming. Keep dosing to the end of the treatment and then do a 50% water change after 24 hours using a gravel vac.
May I jump on your thread rather then starting another one?

I have done all this and I can't get rid of the spots :( I feel like my coldies have had them for ever, they are only on their gills and everyone is eating well and seems happy enough except they flick from time to time.

What am I doing wrong? I have the heater in there now getting the temp up, and I have re-treated AGAIN with Interpet No6 but so far nothing has changed :(
May I jump on your thread rather then starting another one?

I have done all this and I can't get rid of the spots :( I feel like my coldies have had them for ever, they are only on their gills and everyone is eating well and seems happy enough except they flick from time to time.

What am I doing wrong? I have the heater in there now getting the temp up, and I have re-treated AGAIN with Interpet No6 but so far nothing has changed :(

Yea, as said, it sounds very much like you have all males and they have breeding tubicles (sp?) on their gills.

but the flicking would either be due to water quality or most likely some sort of parasite, which would be treated with salt.

I'll start a new thread.....now I have questions....

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