White Spot

i think my clown loach have it.it looks like tiny grains of sugar :(

are your fish rubbing against things eg pump or gravel?
i used a whitespot treatment and it seems to be working.spots are going and rubbing has stopped more or less :)
White Spot commonly known as Ich is a complex disease that affects almost all species of fish.
Whitespot is a parasite that forms a nodule under the skin or gill of a fish. This contantsly turns and moves under the skin which can cause the fish some irritation.
The parasite feeds on skin cells under it matures and can punture its way out of the skin. It then attaches itself to a plant or another object and forms a capsule around itself, it is now that it needs treating as in this capsule it multiplies as much as 1000 times a day. When these eggs hatch they find a host fish and bury into the fishes skin and the whole process starts over again.
There are many treatments avaliable for Ich (White-spot) and as long as you follow the instructions on the packaging, ich can be cured without to much stress caused to the fish.
Whitespot is usually brought into the tank through new plants or other objects that may have had contact to other infected fish.
Whitespot is one of the most common diseases found in fish.

Hope this helps!
i introduced a new clown loach to go with my other 1 and im sure he must of brought white spot with him :X

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