White Spot??

New Boy

Fish Crazy
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
London, England
I noticed last night that one of my Blood Parrots has 10 or so white spots on her tail and fins (can't see any on her body) and that the fish seem to be scratching themselves a little on rocks etc but I'm not sure if this is white spot. She also looks a little pale.

No other fish appear to have any spots, the female BP is eating normally etc. I don't want to treat the whole tank if it's not white spot (which I've never had before so that's why I'm not sure).

The tank has only juvenille fish in it - 5 lions cove labs, 5 tiger barbs, 4 small blood parrots, 2 bristlenose cats and 2 raphael cats. 1,600 litres filtration per hour, 190 litre (50 us gallon tank, 43 imp gallon).

Water conditions are fine - ammonia nil, nitrite nil, nitrate 35ppm, ph 7.8, temp 76/78, hardness 15, all per usual. I change 15% water weekly.

Added the two bristlenose cats two weeks ago.

I'd be grateful for any advice
I should also mention that since I got the tank one year ago I always used to add one teaspoon of aquarium salt per 2 gallons of water that I added during water changes. I stopped this just under two months ago after reading so many posts on this forum and others that salt was not of much use and plecos in particular (which I wanted to add to reduce algae) did not appreciate it.

Thought I was planning ahead by letting the salt be diluted through water changes to add plecos but it seems coincedental that when I stop adding salt I get ich. Maybe I should start adding it again?
Don't add salt your pleco's will die, Raise the temp to 80F and add anti white spot meds as white spot will spread through out the tank every 12 hours.

Start to use half the dose to see how the catfish and other scaless species react to treatment.


A very large water change before you start the course of medication will help by removing some of the free swimming parasites. And remember to add extra aeration via a air pump and airstone as most medictions seriously effect oxygen levels in the tank.

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