White Spot Query?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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my 2 new girls...really sickly pair...had white spot..I treated them and they both reacted to the med. the blue one has had stress stripes eversince I did it..and the little cream one was really quiet...the blue one is now ok but the cream one has still got white spot. Can I just leave them a few days clean them out and put salt in..only salt.. or are they just going to get worse?
Is it Ick do you think? Mine have shown symptoms when I've moved them to another tank or made big changes. This last time I didn't push the panic button and it went away. My theory is Ick is always present and when they get stressed, they get it. This time it went away on its own but I've gotten worried and went after it agressively before. I dunno... :/
Thats exactly how I feel. The little cream girl is a sickly looking fish anyway. Just realised the other one gets stressed when I put the lights on in the kitchen. They are on a work top. The males love it when I put lights on but the girls get worried! Might get some water ready and give them a half change in a couple of days. Gonna leave well alone think sometimes you finish them off.
I think that sounds like a plan Liz. Just give lots of quiet and TLC. When I had my rescue in a bowl I was syphoning that out instead of taking him out to change out water and he still got stressed by it. I figured it was probably less so by doing things that way instead of scooping him into a whole 'nuther environment for a time. Now that he's better, he tried to swim into my hand the other day when I was putting some floating plants into his tank....shocked the heck out of me! Those medicines seem to put them thru changes after they've already made a big change to another environment so I'm just going to play things that way into the future unless of course they seem to get worse....then I'll give medicines.
I've got all things I have 2 of crossed for your girls and hope they get better soon.
they are acting really funny...they stay on bottom and shoot up to top and then back down again. spend all day hiding...blue one has her stress stripes back...

9.15 update...just had to clean them out realised they had not been eating and water smelt funny. so they just have water conditioner in and salt. cream one has perked up a bit but my lovely blue girl who already had her boyfriend picked out has gone browny on her head and is very stripey. Just going to leave them now...just cleaned my 2 males out as well...they threaten each other with extinction and then when they cant see each other they come up for some TLC...
hi there hope the girls get well soon,eck is a nasty little pest to get rid of and most meds are hard on your fish,try rising the water temp to around 80 and when you med,be sure to do a daily water change of 25 no more then that,but just as long as your med,the tank,try the med at half strinth to ,i wish you well take care by by
This is a diagram of the Ich life cycle. One thing I do is frequent small gravel vacs on the bottom of the tank, to siphon the ones that have detached from the fish and laying on the bottom.


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