I don't bite, all that often...
Hi all,
More bad news in my nano reef. I'm dealing with White Spot (Ich). My Female Skunk Clown and my Neon Goby are peppered with it, but as yet (touch wood quick if you are superstitious) the Royal Gramma is still OK
I have no way of getting a UV unit into my tank, and I obviouly cannot use any Copper, Malichite Green or Formalin based meds, this being a reef and all... I know that Clowns have a thicker slime coat than most fish, so a freshwater bath on her will likely not work. The Neon Goby does keep trying to clean her though. Should I freshwater bath the Neon Goby for a few days and hope it cleans off the White Spot on the Clown, or am I best just letting this thing run It's caurse. Would dropping/raising my salinity be of any use, again, this being a reef running currently on 1.023. QT is not available for me with Marines 
Secondly, the Bubble coral is not as far out as it was before. I'll try get a pic for diagnosis, but it doesn't look happy ATM
I'm still waiting on my test kits for Calsium, Alkalinity and Magnesium, so I can't post stats for that 
Would the use of Poly Filter be recomended? Will be doing a water test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH shortly
Thanks to all
More bad news in my nano reef. I'm dealing with White Spot (Ich). My Female Skunk Clown and my Neon Goby are peppered with it, but as yet (touch wood quick if you are superstitious) the Royal Gramma is still OK

Secondly, the Bubble coral is not as far out as it was before. I'll try get a pic for diagnosis, but it doesn't look happy ATM

Would the use of Poly Filter be recomended? Will be doing a water test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH shortly

Thanks to all