White Spot On The Eye


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 28, 2009
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Hi gang. Ihave just discovered that 2 or 3 of my Colombian Tetra have a white spot on the centre of their eye. When I look at them from the front so their eye is at profile, it appears to be a little bump protruding from the lens of the eye. There are NO other white spots on their body. Any ideas?
Hi gang. Ihave just discovered that 2 or 3 of my Colombian Tetra have a white spot on the centre of their eye. When I look at them from the front so their eye is at profile, it appears to be a little bump protruding from the lens of the eye. There are NO other white spots on their body. Any ideas?

gonna answer my own here! im gona treat the tank for slime / velvet as ^ seems to be a symptom. I'm still no wiser on how to treat my B. Ram who has clear/white stringy poo and sunken belly. BUT! one step at a time..
Try posting in the emergency section, they are great at this sort of thing in there
The fish is sick try getting aqua cure thats the best solution you could get it could die but those fishes you have are heathly
and plus take them out of the fishtank with other fishes otherwise the other fishes could die.

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