White Spot On Platy!

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Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:( Two months ago, my male red platy developed a white spot on his tail. I treated the whole tank with Melafix, then with Jungle Parasite Clear but that didn't help. I have a couple pictures of him when the first white spot started if anyone is interested to see them. :fish:

During the past couple of days, I noticed that two more white spots developed above his right fin and another on his left fin. He swims fine, has a good appetite and loves the girl platies. I'm concerned that the other fish might get infected, so I'm going to move him into a hospital tank tomorrow. What should I treat him for? Any ideas? :unsure:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 5.0
Nitrite - 0
pH - 7.0
Temperature - 78 degress F.
I never treat my fish for White Spot. The parrasite is always in the water, the fish just come more suseptable when stressed.

sorry I can't be any more help.
Your platy will survive just fine, get treating with Interpret though... It's too late to move the platy to another tank, as soon as you see the white spots the parasite is in the water. The only way to catch ich first is if you spot a cyst on a fish and treat the water before it bursts.
Hi, I was wondering if I could take a look at the pictures of your platy. I have a male platy too and has a tiny, tiny spot on his tail, and would like to know if its ICH on an early stage, if so, I can start treatment right away. I'm new to this and maybe the picture of your fish could give me a better idea of what white spot looks like
Thanks for any help!
hey all,
i have ICH in my tank, unfortunatly, and ive been treating it with some ich remover from my lfs, at the recommeded dosages. with the lights off and covered up to keep outside light from entering, with the temperature at 80 F. and it is still in the water. is there anything else that i could do to get rid of it faster?


Hiya I have just finished treating my fish for white spot with a medicine called king british, it took about six days to clear the white spot, I also did a 30% water change. If you clean in amongst the gravel with a tank vaccum that helps to get rid of the bacteria.
also put the temperature of the water up too, round about 28 degrees celcius. This speeds up the life cycle of the ich. and if you are using a green liquid to treat them I was told it is better to keep the light of so the ich cant grow further. hope this helps
What green water? If you mean green liquid, it's the treatment. You decholrinate about 500ml of warm water, pour in the treatment, stir it, then pour the mixture into the tank. I hate malachite green though, it stains your tank. The Interpret #6 doesn't, which is why I prefer it.
you'll get intrepet at your lfs you can also use a treatment called king british, it's a wee blue bottle but it works a treat, as I say it took six days for it to treat my 10 gallon tank.
:wub: B) :wub: :*) ps is that your pic on your profile? ;-)

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