White Spot On Pectoral?


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
;) One of my juvy girls has a tiny, shimmery white spot on her pectoral fin - it's about the size of a grain of aquarium salt. I've treated it like columnaris (salt, Meracyn, no heater), with NO affect. It hasn't grown or shrunk in size in 3 weeks, and she eats like a piggy and she's very active. Does anyone have any explanation for this, or could it just be coloring? She has no white on her body, she's solid green. Advice would be SO appreciated!
One of my boys has a shiny fleck on his pectoral and everytime I see it I think its something bad but its just his markings. Hope thats what it is for your girl :)
One of my boys has a weird spot on his head which always worries me but same thing.....more than hearty appetite, very active and feisty. Maybe it's their hobby to scare us? Sorry can't be more helpful. Did she ever get into a spat or something else that might have caused a bump?

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