White spot on my clown loaches! Help!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I have 3 clown loaches in a 50G, yesturday morning i noticed small white dots all over one of them, by yesturday evening the 3 of them are covered. The clowns are still the same but no other fish have been affected. It hasnt affected their behaviour or their eating but i wanna know what exactly i should do. Even tho i have 3 large aquariums this is the first time ive had white spot in any of them. Please help.
Perhaps this is ick. Do a search on ich, or see the sticky post at the top of this forum and see if that is what it looks like. If it is, you can find plenty of info on how to remedy this between raising temps, meds, salt (if appropriate for fish in the tank).

good luck with the fish
If the whitespots look like they have been sprinkled in salt the have itch, you will need a whitespot med, look on instructions to see if it's safe on the clown loaches, as sometimes you have to use half dose on these fish, turn temp up to 30 you could of added salt but not with having the clown loaches.
In a large tank with various fish, from past experience clown loaches seem to show the stages of ICh (ICK) first so do some searches in here on ICH and how to treat. Do not forget to take out your carbon filter when you treat it.

clown loaches are small fish most ICH med recommend a smaller dose then the package states based on your tank size. Im dealing with a similar issue as we speak right now

I have 3 clown loaches in a 50G, yesturday morning i noticed small white dots all over one of them, by yesturday evening the 3 of them are covered. The clowns are still the same but no other fish have been affected. It hasnt affected their behaviour or their eating but i wanna know what exactly i should do. Even tho i have 3 large aquariums this is the first time ive had white spot in any of them. Please help.
I am so sorry about your Loach's I have just lost 6 of them they were real characters, I turned up the temp in my tank to 30c and dosed with hallf the recommended dose of Protozin as you can not use salt with loach's I am to put the last dose in tomorrow I hope it has worked in total I have lost 26 fish, Good luck with your treatment.

This thread is from the year 04.
Just look at the post dated as sometimes members fetch really old posts up lol.

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