White Spot Now 2 New Girls As Well!


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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my newest betta cream coloured has been quiet today just noticed he has white spot..treated the water but it says on bottle continue filtration..well he has a heater but no filter..I can put an air stone in or do you think it would stress him?
I don't think it would stress him. I brought mine home for spring break a week ago, and my dad put an air stone in while I was gone over night. I wasn't sure how my guy would take to it, but he is really interested by it, and I ended up keeping it on all day so that he feels like he has company. I know, it's a little weird, thinking that bubble keep my fish company, but at the very least, I don't think it would do any harm.
i dont think it would harm him but you might need to treat the tank asap incaes it is whitespot and it would be a danger to the fish.
but i dont know much about it i think that you would be better off posting this in tropical fish emergencies aswell
i hope your betta gets better
Thanks I have treated the water .going to put heater up a smidge and see how he reacts to filter.
:) he is still alive....dont look too good though...turned heater up a notch....he has red streaks on his fins as well as specks of white...is that normal with white spot or is it stress?
no..he is by himself in his own tank..he is resting near the top now on hi side he moves when I go to the tank but then rests again..he wont eat..his water is ok ...got white spot stuff in did that yesterday..going to try a pinch of aqua salt...but dont know what else to do any ideas?

going to MK shopping. I have done all I can for little chap he is very still...but when you look at him his little eyes are watching me......hope he will be ok...am going to leave him in peace..
You said you are noticing red streaking on him. He now has a bacterial infection on top of the ich. To help treat this, you are going to need an antibiotic. Your signature doesn't say where you are from, so that will make it harder to recomend an antibiotic. Without an antibiotic in the tank, the increased temperature will speed the bacterial growth.
:lol: You going for more bettas Liz2 :lol: :lol:

OMG Ron I went shopping not for bettas!!! :huh:

But, just been down my local aquatic centre, for some live blood worms. They hadnt got any but :sad: they had got a tank full of girls (bettas) that is. Well I just had to rescue a couple :hey: so they are now in my faithful filter jug they are only small so I will rehome them soon. :look: Hubby just sort of said more fish? So I said you are addicted to nicotine me to bettas :lol: :lol: And I have treated ghost....but he has never been everso lively I sometimes wonder what happens to these little chaps before us fishy freeks get hold of them.
Ghost is still alive and the white spot has gone. His fins are tattered though and he is struggling to get to the top even though it is a shallow container. Due to put white spot stuff in again tomorrow (if he is still here) but he wont eat anything..so just leave him? tried to get live bloodworms yesterday but no one round here has any.
One last query my 2 new girls have been flaring at each other is it because there are just 2? couldnt afford 3! now I can see them better they are very very tatty ripped fins...didnt know girls flared...look everso silly.

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