White Spot, Not Ick, On Body.


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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Well, my male Sori has gotten sick. Practically overnight, it's amazing how fast they can get sick sometimes.

I don't have a camera, so I'll have to make do with description.

I think it's Columnaris or true fungus, I can't tell.

His fins have some pinholes in them. However, his white spotting isn't on his mouth, but rather his body. It does not look like a grain of salt. It looks like mold or fungus. It is not slimey looking, but rather you can see some hair-like filaments that are all about the same length and do not move. The spot itself is about 2mm big.

His water stats are fine (water volume is too small, and the water changes too frequent, to ever become un-fine), his tank is always heated at 80F.

He's such an old dude. All he does is sit all day, and he doesn't flare anymore or dart. I think his little immune system isn't doing much for him these days, because he's never gotten sick before. :/

*edit: his general coloring is paler than he normally is, or my eyes are tricking me. He's not his normal deep red color anymore. I can't tell if he's lethargic, as... you know, he usually is these days.
Whenever I see something that looks like fungus, I always treat for bacterial infection first. 9 times out of 10 that's going to be the case. Columnaris is the most likely culprit, as you said, and if I remember correctly it's gram negative, so a good gram negative antibiotic like Maracyn II ought to do the trick. Melafix/Bettafix would be worth a shot too, and salt of course :)
Hope little Sori gets better soon!
I've started with the usual stuff today: salt, warmth, IAL and melafix, I figured, whatever's wrong with him, chances are these things will help. It's a shame my camera died, they're always so handy at identifying these things. Good to know you agree with me :) I don't have access to Maracyn II atm, but I'll see if my LPS has the generic equivilent. >< I always meant to pick up a bottle of it, but always forgotten. "Just in case" medicines should be handy at all times. Thanks for the reply, Synirr, I'll give Sori your regards. ;)
*sigh* He's gotten worse. But the good news is, my LPS had some Maracyn II. I've started treating with it. He's still lively to an extent, so I'm not overly worried about him yet.

....... >< Stupid fish!

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