White Spot/Ick/Itch on my Otocinclus?

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Feb 10, 2020
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Hi Guys..
Is this white spot/ick/Itch? on his tail? Only noticed it today...
*back story* bought some (8) Rasbosa`s 2 weeks ago, turns out 2 of them we think had itch/ick...(looked like it, lots of wee white spots)but got them into quarantine & treated big tank with a diluted Protozine mixture. Tank had been clear for about a week, then this morning, noticed the 1 spot on him No other fish in the tank are showing anything. I dont really want to do another Protozine treatment, as its not good for the ottos or my Plec (according to instructions)
If it is white spot, what would best action to take? (we have now have a quarantine tank, but its not ready yet, only set it up today.)
Is there a better treatment for scaleless fish?



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If it does turn out to be ich gradually increase the temperature to 30C and keep it there for two weeks. DO regular water changes and gravel vacs during this time. That is the only treatment needed for ich.
The safest treatment for white spot (Ichthyophthirius, aka ick or ich) is heat. Just raise the water temperature to 30C (86F) and keep it there for 2 weeks. Then reduce the temperature.

Wipe the inside of the glass down with a clean fish sponge.

Do a 75-80% water change and gravel clean the substrate before raising the temperature.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Clean the filter. Wash filter media/ materials in a bucket of tank water and re-use the media. Tip the bucket of dirty water on the garden/ lawn.

Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise oxygen levels in the water.

The following link has information about white spot. The first post on page 1 and second post on page 2 are worth a read.
cheers all.. yeh had already started a water change...filters were cleaned last night. Ive increased temp a little bit, will increase more tomorrow...Time to just watch/observe
That looks different than any otocinclus I have seen :)

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