White Spot Help


New Member
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
NW England
Hi peeps,

I am new here so hope I am posting in the right place. I have been treating my tank for ich and I am due to give the last dose of treatment in 2 days time. The problem is my clown loach seem to be really suffering (I have lost 2 today in a short period of time) the other 2 I have are heavily marked with the parasite. The rest of my fish seem to be pretty much Ok.

I am worried that the loach are suffering badly and I don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance for your help
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Have you raised temp to 30, also have you increased aeration in the tank.
Are you using the full dose of med or half dose with clown loaches.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Have you raised temp to 30, also have you increased aeration in the tank.
Are you using the full dose of med or half dose with clown loaches.

Sorry forgot to put all that in

tank size 200litres

1x pleco
2x black mollies
2x glowlight tetras
3x harlequins
2x clown loach
3x Angel fish
2x swordtails
1x platy

Ammonia reading 0
nitrate/nitrite both around 0
Ph 7.2

Temp has been raised to 30 oc
and I have a air stone in place I am also agitating the surface of the water at regular intervals

I have been using full dose of Waterlife Protozin under instruction from LFS
Are the clown loaches laboured breathing.
It can take two rounds of med sometimes to get rid of whitespot.
Just looking at the 2 remaining they look like they are acting fairly normally, they are rubbing occasionally against decorations etc but I know that is normal when they have ich. They do not look as though their breathing is laboured at the moment. I was going to ask about a second course of meds. I was planning to treat again on Saturday as the last course will be completed Friday is this right? should I still keep the temp up too during this time? and would there be any point in a salt dip for them or to add salt to the tank? sorry for so many questions
I wouldn't bother with the salt it will just stress them out more.
Yes leave the temp where it is you only turn it down after treatments finished.
Thankyou for your time and help I will keep my fingers crossed and start the next treatment on Saturday

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