White Spot - Any Problems With This Line Up?


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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okay - my purple ram has white spot, i'm going to turn up the temp and add salt. does anyone think the following fish might be effected by the salt?

2 x khulie loach
1x purple ram
2 x gold ram
3 x zebra danios
1 x female dwarf gourami
2 x Apistogramma trifasciata

lots of amano shrimps and snails

also its a planted tank - does anyone see any problems there?

Kuhli loaches don't have scales so you shouldnt keep them in the tank if you're going to use salt. Also be careful using any meds with them, they'll harm them also.

What kind of snails do you have? I'm not sure about amano shrimps and salt either.

All the other fish i dunno about them so someone else will have to fill you in on that. But for now dont use salt cos it will certainly harm kuhli's
thanks for that

the snails are just bog standard pouch snails and some red ramshorns
You will have to remove the snails and strimp out of the tank to use the whitespot med, no salt as has been mentioned, turn temp up to 30, remove black carbon, read instructions carefully that you can go in with full dose with the fish you have.
Increase aeration in the tank as the high temp and med will reduece 02 in the water.
noooooo - carbons are still in the filter

can't catch the all the shrimps either - too damn fast! they'll have to take their chances


forgot to mention the 3 leppard corries - knew my fish line up seemed a bit short!

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